Monday, September 1, 2014

Orchids of the day: Broughtonia sanguinea, Psychopsis Mendenhall & Bulbophyllum frostii (Updates)

Silence can be deafening. A total breakdown of my laptop and camera required me to scramble and purchased new electronic equipment! The good news is that my computer is working and my camera is producing excellent quality pictures. I can once again chronologically monitor a few orchids from beginning to bloom but will save that for upcoming posts!

Today I will summarize the current updates of some of our orchids which are continuously in bloom and some that are just resting for the time being. I am happy to say the photos are really great and I hope you will enjoy them.

A) Broughtonia sanguinea. Hasn't stopped flowering since June 12th.
First would be our Broughtonia sanguinea, which once again has been pollinated by humming birds. Here is an up close photo of the blooms. We have had at least more than 70 flowers so far. We stopped counting. Arne took a division of this plant two years ago and it is growing slowly, in fact, there are on average eight flowers continuously over time.

B) Psychopsis Mendenhall
Next, our Psychopsis Mendenhall. A very unique 'spidey-like' orchid that is simply gorgeous to look at. A friend of mine said, the colours reminded her of Spain. What do you think? We have this orchid outside all throughout this Summer and it has at least produce 3 large flowers. Still flowering today.

C) Orchids resting and hanging outside.

D) Absorbing sunshine on our back deck.

The rest of the orchids are simply resting on the back deck, just absorbing sunlight. If they are not out, they are chilling indoors in our orchidarium in the basement.

E) Resting in the cool orchidarium until flowering time.

However, our Bulbophyllum frostii has been continuously flowering since I last posted, July 21st. Until today, this lovely little plant, produced 28 flowers so far. My little dutch shoes!

F) My little Dutch shoes.

G) Continuously producing flowers over the Summer.

H) A sense of perspective of the size of each shoe.

For those interested to learn more about awarded orchids (plus our two orchids that got the Award of Merit by the American Orchid Society) please check out the link to the National Capital Judging Center, in Washington DC. 

I hope to be back with more posts of our little orchid collection. I appreciate your interest in this blog, please continue to read my updated posts and I would love to hear more from you all. Until next time! 

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