Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Orchid of the day: Angraecum didieri

Angraecum didieri

Angraecum didieri is a small epiphyte from Madagascar with disproportionately large white starry flowers. It has a pronounced stem with short leathery leaves and the single flowers are produced from the leaf axils. Because this is a slow growing plant and only one flower is produced at a time, it will take some years before a plant will bloom with more than one flower.

This species is easy to grow as long as the roots are allowed to breath properly, which is easiest achieved if the plants are mounted. Even so, the plants seem to prefer to be on the drier side. The plant has silvery warty roots which grow fast when the plant is healthy.

(A) The flower was blooming for a little more than four weeks, from November through early December.

(B) The silvery roots 'dangling' in the air, as the orchid is mounted on the cork.

(C) The spur, which is about 15 cm, is quite long. This is the twirly white structure behind the flower.

(D) A view of the extended spur from above.

(E) A beautiful white flower.

Until my next post, I hope you enjoyed our Angraceum didieri.

Khairul Bariah

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