Sunday, January 28, 2018

Orchid of the day: Angraecum sesquipedale

Angraecum sesquipedale

Once again our Madagascan beauty bloomed and produced three beautiful flowers which emit a mild fragrance in the evenings. I love Angraecum sesquipedale because this exotic orchid produces very unique flowers with long spurs. As I have mentioned many times, in nature, only one particular moth can pollinate this orchid. The moth is called Xanthopan morganii with the specialized proboscis. I described this in detail in my earlier post January 27, 2014.

A) By December 10, three flower buds had developed. 

B) Flower buds up close. 

C) This photo was taken on January 12. Two of the three flowers had opened.

D) Three days later all flowers were fully opened. 

Today all three flowers are still in bloom. We have noticed over time, that the flowers are rather sensitive to dry winter conditions in the house. This resulted in the browning of the tips of each petals. This is visible from my earlier posts (2015, 2016 and 2017). A solution maybe to purchase a humidifier for the orchids in the basement. We'll let you know if this will work. 

Once again I hope you enjoyed my post for the day. I will conclude with a photo from 2014, where Anthony posed with our Angraecum sesquipedale

Have a great week everyone!

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