Sunday, November 17, 2019

Orchid of the day: Cattleya Scarlet Imp

Cattleya Scarlet Imp

Cattleya Scarlet Imp is probably better recognized as a Sophronitis hybrid as both its parents, S. cernua and S. brevipedunculata, only recently were transferred to the genus Cattleya.  We purchased this orchid recently in 2018 and this is the first bloom. These flowers have perfectly ideal Cattleya shape.

A) The flowers close up in sunlight in late October.

This is truly a miniature orchid resembling mainly the creeping growth habit of S. cernua while the much larger flowers is a trait from S. brevipedunculata. The flower is larger than each vegetative growth and almost 2 inches (5 cm) wide. 

B) The flowers were opened but were still in the process of flattening out.

C) In a different light.

D) Secured in our basement under indoor lights since the weather had cooled down significantly in November.

Until the next post, I hope you love seeing these blooms from my blog today!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Karole, I've been looking EVERYWHERE for a picture of this orchid. I got one myself last year from Orchids by Hausermann. Your blog was the only place I found a picture of this orchid. Thanks for writing up this post. I'm now waiting (most impatiently) for my little C. Scarlet Imp to bloom!
