Sunday, April 28, 2019

Orchid of the day: Aerangis fastuosa

Aerangis fastuosa

This miniature angraecoid is a native of Madagascar. A regular bloomer in our care over the last five years (post from March 25,  2018). This year, our orchid produced 2 flowers stem with a total of eight flowers. The flowers are still blooming today. Although the orchid is more floriferous this year, it was harder for individual flowers to fully open and exhibit their beauty.

A) Briefly enjoying the April weather, out on our front porch for this photo shoot.

B) At this time only six flowers were fully opened.

Arne went to the Maryland Orchid Society on Thursday, April 25th and placed this orchid on the show table. I noticed before he left, this orchid emitted a very strong scent, which is a very known characteristic of Aerangis fastuosa. We thought, it might have been triggered by the darkness as we placed it in a box before putting it in the car. This is one of the orchids of Madagascar, that requires a particular species of moth to pollinate it in the night. Once you smell the fragrance, you will understand!

C) On the orchid show table, April 25th, 2019.

We are happy to announce that our Aerangis fastuosa won first prize among miniature orchid that evening. It was very nice and hopefully this will be a good incentive for Arne to take this orchid for judging at the national level when he gets the opportunity.


  1. Beautiful flowers. I bought one of this not long a ago, yet to see it bloom. what media you put it in? Looks like moss?

    1. About 8 years ago or so, when I bought the tiny plant, I put it in a small cedar basket with some medium bark. Over time, most bark pieces fell through the wooden slats and some residual moss started growing on top into a green mat.
