Monday, July 28, 2014

Orchid of the day: Paphiopedilum dianthum

Paphiopedilum dianthum

Paphiopedilum dianthum is endemic to South Eastern Yunnan, South Western Guizhou, Western Guang Xi in China and in Northern Vietnam. I've posted about this orchid on February 23rd with photos from 2006. Well these photos are brand new and fresh! The three flowers are still in bloom.

A) June 20th, three buds appearing.

B) The three buds up close. At this time, we kept the orchid in our orchidarium in the basement.

C) July 21st, 2014. As the inflorescence grew bigger, we placed the Paphiopedilum dianthum up in our study and right next to the window.

D) Two of the flowers opened leaving one bud waiting to open.

E) View of the flowers from the back.

F) July 28th, 2014. A beautiful photo of all three flowers. 

G) Today the Paphiopedilum dianthum resides next to our study window sill.


  1. Hi Karole,

    Beautiful dianthum!!!! I love the philippinense too. Thanks for sharing.


    1. Thanks! I'm glad you liked them. I try to post more whenever something pops up! Happy to hear from you!
